Title: Little Princes: One Man's Promise to Bring Home the Lost Children of Nepal
Author: Conor Grennan
Narrator: Conor Grennan
Genre/Date: Non-fiction/2011
Audio Length: 9 hrs and 37 mins
Source: Audible.com
My Rating: 5/5
This true story, as told by the author, Conor Grennan, is his account of the time he spent in Nepal,at first volunteering at an orphanage, and then proceeding to make an incredible difference in the lives of so many young children stolen from their families for the nefarious purpose of making money. The families of these children are lied to and told that they will get an education and will not have to fight in the civil war going on in Nepal at this time if they send their children with the traffickers. The author unexpectantly falls in love with the children and with Nepal, and he vows to help seven missing children, but then succeeds in helping so many more than that including himself.
I'm really enjoying Little Princes on audio. I'm actually driving in my car and laughing out loud at the author's honesty. I admire his adventurous spirit and his tenacity to see things through. But at the same time his compassion and his sense of responsibility is never taken lightly. When he promises the children he will return in a year, he keeps his promise. I felt a connection with him in his love for children. I would not be able to take care of the Nepali orphans without forming a bond too. I admire his ambition as he forms a non-profit organization without any prior knowledge in doing so, all because seven Nepali children who were trafficked and stolen from their families went missing after he returns to the States and now he feels extremely guilty and responsible for them.
He states exactly how he did this - each step of the way including his to-do list. It's funny but honest and the drive inside him - to work hours and days at this task - is admirable. This book should be read by all young people to encourage them to follow their dreams, in whatever area they are following in their lives. I can't wait to finish this book, amd I will seek out the author's blog and hope he writes more books in the future.
I'm nearly through the story now and feel triumph for the author in his goal of reuniting some of the stolen children with their families and to see and feel the range of emotions of the families as they hear news of their children. It seems strange how all things fell into place for him, one obstacle after another, and then somehow a light in the forest would show him a sign and an answer to his dilemma would appear.
It's truly remarkable how one young man could accomplish so much for others especially small. weak children, and then he brings his story to the public to inspire other young people to do likewise. He never set out to make a difference, just thought it would make him look cool to the girls to say he volunteered at an orphanage. But his heart melted and he allowed himself to feel their pain and joy at the same time.
If the author can shake things up in his quiet yet driven way, the rest of us can surely make a difference in our own small way too.
I won't forget this book for a long time, and I'm sure I'll be listening to it again soon.
The author of Little Princes is also the narrator on the audio version. What an amazing job he did with this. His passion shines through!